Pastor Letter: February 8, 2018

Dear Buck Run Family:

When I came to Buck Run fourteen years ago, I adopted several goals and prayed specifically for some key items. Among other things, I prayed that we would grow spiritually and numerically, that I might lead the church to fulfil the relocation to Rehoboth, and that I would be here when for the 200-year anniversary. In 2003, those were ambitious, worthy goals and I was confident that they were of the Lord. I am still convinced that they were correct, and I praise God that we have seen them realized.

What a church and a pastor do after attaining their goals and prayerful ambitions is the key to continuing growth and fulfilment of God’s will. In other words, now more than ever, we must seek the will of the Lord in our stewardship of what He has provided for us. God did not allow us to fulfil these dreams so we could pat ourselves on our backs or rest on our imaginary laurels. He has brought us to this moment and to our new location to give us greater potential and gospel influence.

Over the next few months, I will be talking a bit about where we go from here and what the future looks like. What are our next steps? How do we reach more people with the gospel and see more people baptized into the fellowship of Christ? How can we enlarge our mission? In what ways might we use all the property we own for outreach and ministry?

When I came here in 2003, planning fourteen years into the future seemed adequate and more would have felt presumptuous, but “Time, like an ever-flowing stream bears all its sons along.” The months and the years run by in a blur, as they will continue to do until Jesus returns. Now is the time to take stock of our position and plan for the future.

Jesus asked, “When the Son of Man returns, will he find faith on the earth?” I want us to do everything we can to ensure that, when Jesus comes again, he will find the Buck Run Baptist Church using everything at our disposal to reach the lost with the glorious gospel of Christ. Let’s begin our third century strategizing how we can best be faithful to the Lord and make his name great among the nations.

I plan to spend however many productive years the Lord allows me to continue to lead the church in faithfulness to Christ, in fellowship with the saints, on mission to reach the lost, and in leadership to make disciples.

Toward that end let me remind you of two great events coming up in the next few weeks that are an integral part of our strategy. First is our Disciple Now weekend. God uses this in the lives of our students to save some, to call some into ministry, and to encourage many in their faith. Do all you can to help and to get students committed to attending our DNow weekend.

The other important opportunity is the annual marriage retreat. I want to get as many married couples to attend as possible. It’s an absolutely important time of refreshing. If you have a great marriage, I need you to be there to be a model of what a Christian marriage looks like. If your marriage struggles, I need you to be there to hear God speak to your heart. We don’t over-program it but give you lots of time to be together and enjoy each other. If you haven’t signed up, do it now.

I love walking through life with you, dear folks. Let’s make our third century our most devoted and productive ever.

In Christ Jesus,

Bro. Hershael